The Views


Thoughts From The Administrator’s Desk

I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. - Psalms 121:1-2

Dear friends of Mountain View Bible Camp,

Fall has arrived and the foliage is beautiful. I am thankful to live at camp and enjoy the uniqueness of all four seasons. Though the soon arrival of winter is not as enjoyable as the other three seasons, it does allow for the staff to step back from the busy interactions with campers, staff and guest groups to focus on certain projects that are not as easy to complete when programs happen on the hill. Just like many of your normal days in life, camp life is generally busy regardless of the season.

We are grateful for the extra busy year of camp programs. The summer was full and many of the spring and fall weekends were occupied. God has truly blessed camp with great facilities, and with this blessing comes great responsibilities. Maintenance goes on all year long, though some years we need to tackle larger projects. Some of those projects are shared in a letter from the Board of Trustees included in this newsletter.

One of the items shared in the Board letter was the need to purchase a good used skid steer type machine. That purchase has been made and paid for in full. Before we even decided to move forward with this purchase, the Lord was preparing hearts to give toward this need. I am encouraged to see how God works in leading camp in making decisions and then confirming those decisions by providing the finances to make it happen. One Board member reminds us often that “God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s provision.”

As the team also ages and physical limitations grow, should the Lord tarry, additional full time staff will be necessary to continue the ministry of Mountain View Bible Camp. We invite you to join us in praying that the Lord of the harvest will raise up those He will call and equip for His service here on the hill. MVBC is His and we know He will continue to provide in every area of need.

Please join us in praying for the staff team, for camp programs and for all the needs of this ministry. Together, let’s lift our eyes to the mountains and see that our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He is faithful!

On behalf of MVBC

Jonathan Stassel
Camp Administrator

The Views

Past Thoughts From The Administrator’s Desk